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SelectGlobal, LLC 

Summer 2023



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SelectGlobal, LLC Recent Activity:

A common saying at SelectGlobal is that the cobbler's kids have no shoes!

In other words, we have been so busy servicing the needs of our clients, we have not had an opportunity to tell you about all of our recent developments! 

Since our last newsletter we have been developing MOUs and support contracts with over 40 new businesses, municipalities, trade commissioners and local businesses who are looking for assistance with their Foreign Direct Investment Strategy, Guidance and Solutions. 

We are currently exploring affiliate agreements with other service professionals as well as how best to showcase our SelectGlobal Community Partners. 

Lastly, we are also currently looking at our Conference and Events Schedule and should have more to report after Labor Day. 

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the summer!

Upcoming Events and Conferences:

SelectUSA Investment Summit 2024:

The 2024 SelectUSA Investment Summit will be held June 23-26, 2024, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD.
Click here to learn more:  SelectUSA Home (

Event Recaps:

On June 7-8, 2023, Michael Edgar, CEO of SelectGlobal, LLC, spoke at the North American Lithuanian Business Forum at the Union League Club of Chicago. Over 80 Lithuanian Business were in attendance, each looking for investment or expansion opportunities in the U.S.A. All in all, over 300 dignitaries and business owners attended the Forum. Click here to learn more about the program: 


About SelectGlobal:

SelectGlobal, LLC is a one-stop, highly effective advisory firm which creates and implements bi-lateral foreign direct investment (FDI) solutions for investors, companies, and local units of government.   For Foreign Businesses: SelectGlobal, LLC has developed a comprehensive and accessible "one stop" menu of services to offer guidance each step of the way from market discovery through soft landing and beyond. SelectGlobal, LLC has a full roster of professionals that can provide market research, legal, immigration, incentive, employment, tax, and site development needs. 

/campaigns/selectglobal/sitesapi/files/images/799637186/SelectGlobal_ICONS_Local_Muni_50.pngFor Municipalities: SelectGlobal, LLC takes on a directed consulting role in developing FDI strategies and offers a fractional FTE option for implementation within selected communities. 

/campaigns/selectglobal/sitesapi/files/images/799637186/SelectGlobal_Trade_50.png For International Trade Commissioners: SelectGlobal, LLC signs 
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with international trade offices focusing on joint development of specific sectors as well as provides select services in support of outreach and delegations.

/campaigns/selectglobal/sitesapi/files/images/799637186/SelectGlobal_Global_50.png For Global Investors: SelectGlobal, LLC has expanded our deal portfolio to include FDI projects throughout the world.

/campaigns/selectglobal/sitesapi/files/images/799637186/SelectGlobal_Local_50.png For Local Businesses: SelectGlobal, LLC is here to help you prepare for an outbound FDI mission or to collaborate on expanding in the U.S. through a JV, merger or relocation


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